Every website in Hotelwize is ready to send analytics tracking events to the supported platforms. All you have to do is to activate the corresponding plugin(s) and Hotelwize will send various events, page views and conversions to the analytics engine(s).
Supported Analytics Platorms
1. Google Analytics, GA4
2. Hotelwize Analytics (mandatory)
3. Facebook Pixel
4. Microsoft Ads Universal Event Tracking
5. Yandex Metrica
Track Hotelwize Analytics
Hotelwize uses it's own implementation of analytics tracking; the use of Hotelwize Analytics plugin is mandatory.
For Booking Engine Liquid installations Hotelwize Analytics tracking should also configured in Bookwize. Use the `Site Id` as stated in Hotelwize Analytics Plugin and configure the setting in Bookwize (Booking Engine > Analytics > Hotelwize Analytics). Otherwise e-commerce tracking and reservation funnel will not be tracked.
Track Google Analytics
Install Google Analytics Plugin and configure the correct GA key. Both Google Analytics and Google Analytics 4 are supported. You may even have multiple Google Analytics plugins to use different GA keys.
For Booking Engine Liquid installations tracking should also configured in Bookwize (Booking Engine > Analytics). Otherwise e-commerce tracking and reservation funnel will not be tracked.
Google Ads Conversion
Google Ads Conversion plugin will track conversion when a form is submitted.
For websites using Liquid plugins, you should configure the `ConversionId` and `Label` in Bookwize (Booking Engine > Analytics > Google Analytics).