How can I add or remove stay restrictions?

How can I add or remove stay restrictions?

Set easily minimum stay and close out days through the Availability section

In Bookwize you can easily set Restrictions for specific days or for a period.

Set Restrictions for specific days

Go to Availability section, click on Start Editing and then from the Restrictions table at the top right, choose the Restriction that you prefer.

If you would like to change the Minimum Stay, then click on Min Stay. The Minimum Stay restriction settings will be displayed under each room types availability.

Click on the table that you prefer and set the new Minimum Stay for each day and each room type.

Click on Stop Editing to complete the procedure.

If you want to remove the restriction you must simply follow the same procedure and change Minimum Stay to 1.

You may follow the same steps for other restrictions such as Maximum Stay, Closed Dates and Exact Stay.

Set Restrictions for a period

If you want to make a bulk update of the restrictions the you must visit Availability section and click on Mass Update.

Choose Restrictions, select a Date Range and the Room Types for which the Restriction will apply, Set the Restriction (e.g. Min Stay 2) and click on Save to massively create your new restrictions.

If you want to massively remove a restriction you must follow the same procedure, setting the new Restriction values to 1.

Update Restrictions to the Channels

If you want to update your restrictions to the Channels as well, contact Bookwize's Support Team ( and require the connection.

As soon as you have the connection activated, each time that you want to update your restrictions to the channels, you will have to click on Update Channels at the Rates > Rooms section.
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