How can I check reservations per day of stay?

How can I check reservations per day of stay?

Use the Availability Plan or the Reservations List

You can check your reservations either through the Availability Plan or by using the filters of the Reservations List.

Check stays of the day on Availability Plan

Visit Availability section and choose the dates that you are interested in.

You will notice a small blue triangle at the top left side of every availability box. Move your mouse over the box and you will be able to check the reservations staying in the specific room type for the specific date.

Check stays of the day on Reservations List

Visit Reservations section and choose the Check In date range that you prefer.

Click on Search.

You will see a detailed list of the day's arrivals.

Please note that through the Availability Plan you can see all the stays in every specific room type (no matter check-in or check-out date), while in the Reservations List you can sort reservations per Booking, Modification, Check In or Check Out period.

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