How can I send minimum stay restrictions to the OTAs?

How can I send minimum stay restrictions to the OTAs?

Send your hotel's min stay restrictions to the channels with just one click

Minimum stay restrictions are set in the Availability Calendar (visit Availability in the Control Panel's menu) by clicking on the top right Restrictions' section.

In Bookwize you have two alternatives for the Minimum Stay restrictions: Minimum Stay Through and Minimum Stay on Arrival. As per their names, Min Stay Arrival sets the minimum stay restriction for reservations checking-in on the selected date, while Min Stay Through sets the restriction for any reservation including the specific date.

However, OTAs support only one type of Minimum Stay; some of them apply the min stay policy on all the reservations including the respective date, while others apply the policy only to the reservations arriving on this date.

The Minimum Stay Restriction that is sent to the Channels through Bookwize is the one set in Min Stay Through.

In order to set your restrictions you just need to click on Start Editing, make your changes and then click on Stop Editing. 

Please note that you have to click on Update Channels in Rates Section so as to push the update of your restrictions to the OTAs (Rates > Rooms > Update Channels).

As always, if you need any help or further definition you may contact our Support Team for assistance.

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