How-To: Add 3rd party application on my website

How-To: Add 3rd party application on my website

We understand that several 3rd party services provide various functionalities to online marketers community. The ability to add extra functionalities on a website without programming knowledge and / or previous experience with every CMS is invaluable.

However this is also a potential threat for the security of the website. Injecting scripts from a 3rd party may affect the security standards (PCI) or other compliances (GDPR) and policies (Cookies, Terms & Conditions). Allowing any user to inject such scripts in a controlled environment like Hotelwize is not acceptable.

In Hotelwize we have developed and are open to develop custom plugins that will integrate extra functionalities within our clients' websites. This way we keep Online Marketers, the website Owner and your Visitors' data safe under our strict security policies.

Should you need to add any 3rd party functionality on your website please contact our team on to check whether it is already available, or explore the options to develop a custom plugin to support your needs.

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