How-To: Add a Blog section

How-To: Add a Blog section

To create a Blog section in your website, follow the steps below:
  1. Navigate to the Pages section.
  2. Click the Add New button, then select Page.
  3. Add the pages title and click Save.
  4. On the right side of the page, in the Attributes section, choose the Overview template.
  5. Enter the desired title and content and click on Save.
  6. Navigate back to the Pages section.
  7. Click the Add New button, then select Page. This will be the first blog post page. Click Save.
  8. On the right side of the page, in the Attributes section: .
    • Choose the Single template.
    • Set the Overview page that you had previously created as Parent Page.
  9. Add title and content to this page and click on Save.
  10. Repeat steps 7 to 9 as many times as needed to create the desired additional blog posts.
  11. Navigate back to the Blog Overview page.
  12. Add the blog items (as content or as banners, depending on your canvas setup).
  13. For every item fill in the Title and Content, Image and Button sections and connect the button with the respective Single page.
  14. Click on Save and don't forget to Publish the website to see your changes.

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