How-To: Add a new photo to your website

How-To: Add a new photo to your website

To add a new photo to your website, please follow the steps below:

  1. Go to the specific page where you want to insert the photo.
  2. Identify the section within the page where you wish the photo to appear.
  3. Click on the "Set Media" button.
  4. Click "Browse", choose the desired photo file from your computer, and click "Open".
  5. Select the newly uploaded photo and click "Done".
  6. If a crop option is available, click the crop button to adjust the photo's dimensions. Select the area you want to be visible.
  7. Click on "Save".
  8. Proceed with publishing the website to make your changes live.

Device-Specific Images:

In most cases, you will find separate image sections for desktop and mobile views. This allows you to use different photos or apply distinct cropping for each device.

Image Recommendations:

  • For optimal results, it is recommended that you upload the initial image file (up to 16MB) and not an optimized or cropped version.
  • Use landscape orientation for desktop images and portrait orientation for mobile images.
  • Don't upload images including graphics (e.g. logos) or texts.
  • View detailed recommendations on 

To maintain the best aesthetic quality of your website, you can upload images only in the designated image upload sections, following the design of your canvas. Please avoid adding images in the enriched text sections.

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