How-To: Add newsletter to my webiste

How-To: Add newsletter to my webiste

The Hotelwize application offers integration with several popular newsletter service providers, allowing you to easily add newsletter signup functionality to your website.

To integrate a newsletter signup form into your website, please follow these steps:

  1. Navigate to the "Plugins" section via the right-side menu within the Hotelwize application.
  2. Choose your preferred newsletter service from the available options (Mailchimp, MailerLite, Brevo, Moosend, or Sendy).
  3. Click the "Active" toggle button to enable the selected plugin. The button's color will change to blue when activated.
  4. Enter the API Key associated with your account on the chosen newsletter platform. This key authorizes Hotelwize to interact with your newsletter service.
  5. Choose the specific Subscription List of your choice.
  6. Activate the "Require User Consent" option to ensure compliance with data privacy regulations. This adds a checkbox to the signup form, requiring users to explicitly consent to receiving newsletters.
  7. Click the "Save" button to store your plugin configuration.
  8. To make the newsletter signup form live on your website, publish the website after saving your changes.

For newsletter services not currently listed among the available plugins, you can request the development of a new plugin. To do so, please send the relevant API documentation for your desired newsletter service to Our team will review the documentation to assess the feasibility of creating a new plugin integration.

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