Short Codes

Short Codes


Short Codes are used to inject dynamic content in a field or page when publishing a website.

site-cookies-tableRenders an HTML table containing all cookies of the website.type : Optional, used to select and render a table for the specified cookie tracking category. Values: Required , Functionality , Performance , Marketing .
site-cookie-policyRenders the website's default cookie policy ``document.-
site-privacy-policyRenders the website's default privacy policy document.-
site-nameRenders the name of the website.-
site-domainRenders the primary live/preview domain of the website.-
site-logo-imgRenders an IMG tag of the website's logo.width : Optional, sets the width parameter of the image URL. height : Optional, sets the height parameter of the image URL. mode : Optional, sets the mode parameter of the image URL. id : Optional, sets the id attribute of the IMG tag. alt : Optional, sets the alt attribute of the IMG tag.
site-companyRenders information of the website's company.field : Required, holds the field of the company's information to render. Values: Id , Name , LegalName , CommercialRegistryId , TaxRegistrationId , TaxOffice , CountryCode , AddressLine1 , AddressLine2 , PostalCode , City , Region , PhoneNumber , EmailAddress , ContactPersonName and Address (all physical address information).
site-emailRenders the website's configured email address.-
site-dpo-nameRenders the name of the website's Data Protection Officer.-
site-dpo-emailRenders the email of the website's Data Protection Officer.-
site-privacy-policy-linkRenders a link (A tag) to the website's privacy policy : Optional, sets the target attribute of the link tag.
site-cookie-policy-linkRenders a link (A tag) to the website's cookie policy : Optional, sets the target attribute of the link tag.
site-terms-conditions-linkRenders a link (A tag) to the website's terms and conditions policy : Optional, sets the target attribute of the link tag.
html-shortcodeRenders the contents of an HTML shortcode as generated by the plugins and stored in the website's render output data.code : Required, holds the name of the HTML shortcode to render, e.g. booking-engine-url .
Renders a hyperlink to a page or the URL
id: Required, The id of the page to create hyperlink.
liquid-room-calendarGenerates in-place a room availability calendar for websites using the Liquid booking engine plugin.weekday: Required, the day of the week that bookings can be placed for the room. Valid values are 0 (Sunday) to 6 (Saturday).


  1. [site-cookies-table]
  2. [site-cookies-table type="Required"]
  3. [site-cookies-table type="Functionality"]
  4. [site-cookies-table type="Performance"]
  5. [site-cookies-table type="Marketing"]
  6. [site-cookie-policy]
  7. [site-privacy-policy]
  8. [site-privacy-policy-link]
  9. [site-privacy-policy-link target="_blank"]
  10. [site-cookie-policy-link]
  11. [site-cookie-policy-link target="_blank"]
  12. [site-terms-conditions-link]
  13. [site-terms-conditions-link target="_blank"]

Website Information

  1. [site-name]
  2. [site-email]
  3. [site-domain]
  4. [site-logo-img]
  5. [site-dpo-name]
  6. [site-dpo-email]
  7. [site-privacy-policy-link]
  8. [site-privacy-policy-link target="_blank"]
  9. [site-cookie-policy-link]
  10. [site-cookie-policy-link target="_blank"]
  11. [site-terms-conditions-link]
  12. [site-terms-conditions-link target="_blank"]

Company Information

  1. [site-company field="Name"]
  2. [site-company field="LegalName"]
  3. [site-company field="CommercialRegistryId"]
  4. [site-company field="TaxRegistrationId"]
  5. [site-company field="TaxOffice"]
  6. [site-company field="CountryCode"]
  7. [site-company field="AddressLine1"]
  8. [site-company field="AddressLine2"]
  9. [site-company field="PostalCode"]
  10. [site-company field="City"]
  11. [site-company field="Region"]
  12. [site-company field="PhoneNumber"]
  13. [site-company field="ContactPersonName"]
  14. [site-company field="Address"]

Plugin Output Data

[html-shortcode code="booking-engine-url"] will be replaced with .

[html-shortcode code="booking-engine-signature"] will be replaced with Hotel Booking Engine: <a href="" target="_blank" title="Bookwize">Bookwize</a> .

Renders a hyperlink to a page or the URL. Instead of using hyperlinks with the page slag, that may change, this shortcode renders the hyperlink using the unique page identifier.


Required, The unique id of the page to create hyperlink.
Optional. Use _blank  to open the link in a new tab.
Optional. The a element return contains the given CSS class
Optional. The title of the hyperlink. If omitted the shortcode returns only the URL of the page
Optional. The language to render the page hyperlink or URL. If omitted currents page locale will be used

Render target page URL

  1. [page-link id="a588e638-8c64-4e96-903f-0906744b5770"]
    Generates only the URL of the page.
  2. [page-link id="a588e638-8c64-4e96-903f-0906744b5770" locale="el-GR"]
    Generates only the URL of the page for the Greek translation of the page.
  1. [page-link id="a588e638-8c64-4e96-903f-0906744b5770" title="View more" target="_blank"]
    Generates full HTML link (A tag) pointing to the page.
  2. [page-link id="a588e638-8c64-4e96-903f-0906744b5770" title="View more" target="_blank" class="superlink"]
  3. [page-link id="a588e638-8c64-4e96-903f-0906744b5770" title="View more" target="_blank" class="superlink" locale="el-GR"]
  4. [page-link id="a588e638-8c64-4e96-903f-0906744b5770" target="_blank"]View more[/page-link]
    Generates full HTML link (A tag) pointing to the page and opens in new tab.
  5. [page-link id="a588e638-8c64-4e96-903f-0906744b5770" target="_blank" class="superlink"]View more[/page-link]
    Generates full HTML link (A tag) pointing to the page and opens in new tab.
  6. [page-link id="a588e638-8c64-4e96-903f-0906744b5770" target="_blank" class="superlink" locale="el-GR"]View more[/page-link]

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