This is the implementation guide for starting a blank website using the Villa Canva.
For Hotelwize Team, the website is created in Hotelwize Staging environment - UAT and then moved to production environment.
Create the website
Hotelwize Team will create a new web site using the Villa Canva and then add the Company - Billing Information.
- From the website Left Menu select Settings and then click on General
- Fill in all the required information:
- Website Name
The name of the Villa - Contact Address
Add the full address of the property (Street Address, City Name, Postal Code, Region, Country). In case of multi-property website, add the main contact details
You should add an external link to the google maps pin - T(elephone)
Enter the main telephone number. We suggest to enter it in E164 format
You should add a link for this number (tel:<telephone-number>) - E(mail)
Enter the email address.
You should add a link for the email (mailto:<email-address>)
- Coordinates
ender the address of the property and click Search. Then move the pin accordingly for any fine adjustments.
- Commercial Registry Id
This should be already filled by Hotelwize Team. If not, ender the correct business registration according to your local legislation. For the Greek market it's the ΓΕΜΗ number - Extra Information
Add the Logo
Add the Favicon. A favicon is a graphic image displayed in the address bar or in tabs. - Site Type Information
you add the MHTE, number of rooms and property rating. MHTE is required only for properties located in Greece.
Whenever you add an image you need to always use the crop tool .
Press on the orange tool on the right bottom of the picture. Put the tool on the upper left corner and then expand it as much as you can. The bright part is the part of the picture that the client will see on the website.
When you are done go the left menu and on the device choose the mobile.
Do the same process for the mobile version.
Then press Accept & Close.
Activate the Map
From the Menu > Plugins > find OpenStreetMap > Activate > Again Activate the plugin > add a default marker icon > Map style (you can try different styles to see which one fits to your website) > cluster color (pick a light color that is close to the pallette you have chosen for the website) > Save
Menu > Forms > Manage Forms > Contact Form
From the button Add Field (upper right blue button) you can add as many sections as you want. We suggest using the following: First Name, Last Name, Email, Telephone, Country, Message.
If you want to edit an existing field choose the pen (between the eye and the bin). From there you can make the field required or optional, also you can change the Label. If you wan to add a place holder you can do it below.
To change the order of the fields you can drag them up or down.
You can change the recipients email
You can also change the subject, success message and submit button text.
Privacy Protection
On the privacy protection Text paste " I agree to the privacy policy".
We need to create a link for the privacy policy so select it and click right > link > URL /privacy-policy/ open in: new window > save.
Then press on Save to save the contact form you have created.
Add Room Types
From the Menu > Pages > Add New (upper right side- blue button) > Accommodation
Following the next steps you will be able to create a Internal Room Page:
Page Title : add the name of the room
Title : add the name of the room
Add the Subtitle
Slider Images : the images you add here will be on the slider title of the room
Add: Title, Subtitle, Content
Button Name for example BOOK NOW
Button Url: add the url of the booking engine you have
Button Target > New Window
when we add an external url we always choose the open in New Window
Add a Title (Example gallery, room photos etc)
Gallery images: choose the pictures from your device.
Add a Title
Press the Import from text lines (on the right, above the bin) > write all of the facilities as a list (without numbering or bullets) > Import
The first facility item #1 will be empty so press on the bin to remove it.
From the two arrows next to the bin you can move the facilities up or down, in case you want to change their order.
Up-Sales Banner
we use this banner for an internal website page for example an offer, all the offers, the next available room type etc.
Add an image (always use the crop tool)
Add a title and a small description.
We need to link the banner to an internal page so you can add this part when you have prepared the rest of the pages.
Add the contact form you have already created.
Contact Info: Add the full address, the telephone and the email (the same way you did it on the general information, creating links for each)
In case the villas are in the same location you can not use the map in the internal pages so you can select Yes in Hide Map. If the villas are in different location select no and then add the coordinates on the location.
Press on Save to save the page you have created.
With the same way create as many Room Internal Pages as you need.
Create an Accommodation Overview
From the Menu > Pages > Add New (upper right side- blue button) > Page
From the Menu on the left now go to Template > Accommodation Overview > Add a Page Title
On the Accommodation Page the content for the room types are dynamic so you do not have to add it.
Also, you can choose if you want the content on the top page or at the bottom.
Add the Title, Subtitle and Content.
If you want to add a button (example BOOK NOW) you can type it on th Button Name and then on the URL add the booking engine url (button target New Tab)
Press on Save to save the page you have created.
Add Experiences Internal Page
From the Menu > Pages > Add New (upper right side- blue button) > Activity > Add a Page Title
Add a feature image (feature image is the image that represents the page in different pages, the picture you will choose here will be shown in the Experiences Overview Page)
Add a Title, Subtitle, Content
In case you want to add a button (example VIEW OUR MENU) you can type it on the Button Name and then on the URL add the url from the pdf you have updated in Media - button target New Tab)
Press on Save to save the page you have created.
With the same way create as many Experiences Internal Pages as you need.
Add Experiences Overview Page
From the Menu > Pages > Add New (upper right side- blue button) > Page
From the Menu on the left now go to Template > Activities Overview
Add a Title, Subtitle and Content
Press on Save to save the page you have created.
Add Location Page
From the Menu > Pages > Add New (upper right side- blue button) > Page
From the Menu on the left now go to Template > Locations > Add a Page Title > Save
Add Gallery Page
From the Menu > Pages > Add New (upper right side- blue button) > Page
From the Menu on the left now go to Template > Gallery > Add a Page Title
You can add as many Gallery Items you want. (examples, break down the VIllas to create an item for each villa)
To add a new item you can press the Add Item on the bottom right side - blue button
Press on Save to save the page you have created.
Add Offer Internal Page
From the Menu > Pages > Add New (upper right side- blue button) > Offer > Add a Page Title
Add a feature image (feature image is the image that represents the page in different pages, the picture you will choose here will be shown in the Offers Overview Page)
Add a Title, Subtitle, Content
If you want to add a button (example BOOK NOW) you can type it on th Button Name and then on the URL add the booking engine url (button target New Tab)
Press on Save to save the page you have created.
With the same way create as many Experiences Internal Pages as you need.
Add Offer Overview Page
From the Menu > Pages > Add New (upper right side- blue button) > Page
From the Menu on the left now go to Template > Offers Overview
Add a Title, Subtitle and Content
If you want to add a button (example BOOK NOW) you can type it on th Button Name and then on the URL add the booking engine url (button target New Tab)
Press on Save to save the page you have created.
Add Contact Page
From the Menu > Pages > Add New (upper right side- blue button) > Page
From the Menu on the left now go to Template > Contact
Add the coordinates of the villa on the map section
Add a Title and a Description
You can also add a contact form
How to add an external pdf file
For example view our menu and them opening to the pdf
From Menu > Media > Upload File > Pick the page it will be in and the file from your computer > Scroll down until you find the PDF file and press on the pen > copy the URL > copy it to the button URL you want to add the PDF to.